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History Department

History Department

24 Supporters
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Your gift to the History Department at BU will make a huge difference. These donations help us to provide professionalization workshops for our student organizations, sponsor distinguished scholars visiting the University, and enrich our students' intellectual pursuits with funding for expansive research opportunities.

For example, last year's donations contributed to research grants for 12 of our graduate students! Sponsorship for their travels and conferences allowed them to pursue meaningful archival research in the United Kingdom, France, across America, and around the Globe. Several of these students shared stories of their intellectual endeavors in a special "Giving Day" edition of our BU History Department Newsletter.

For 24 hours on BU Giving Day, every gift has an even bigger impact. Thanks to a group of generous donors, bonus funds are up for grabs! Your gift helps earn bonus funds for CAS and for the History Department.

Celebrate how History makes you #ProudtoBU by making your gift on BU Giving Day!


This year, Boston University celebrates 10 years of Giving Day. That’s 10 years of supporting students, championing our teams, fueling discoveries, inspiring artists, building community, and investing in tomorrow. Support the cause that makes you #ProudtoBU by making your gift on BU Giving Day!

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!