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Friends of Cycling

Friends of Cycling

Goal:   35
38 Supporters
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The BU Cycling Club at its core, a bunch of kids who just love bikes.

This year, we've enjoyed getting back into the swing of things with regular spin sessions and weekend group rides. Many of us are also looking forward to 5 weeks of spring collegiate racing! To prepare, we've been ramping up our skills-based learning as well as our workouts, and we've held four successful skills workshops over the course of the fall and spring semesters. In lieu of a training camp this year, we also took part in a longer adventure: riding from Boston to Providence, Rhode Island and returning on the commuter rail!

Your generous gifts can help us continue to bring the best out of our riders. Donations fund: team bike maintenance; team equipment such as trainers, repair stands, tools, and spare tubes; travel and housing costs for races, training camps, and more adventures; and props for more successful skills workshops in the future.

Celebrate the cause that makes you #ProudToBU by making your gift to the Cycling Club on BU Giving Day!

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!