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Core Curriculum

Core Curriculum

114 Supporters
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“I was simply putting off the trouble of climbing; but no one’s wit can alter the nature of things, and there is no way to reach the heights by going downward.” ~~Petrarch, “The Ascent of Mount Ventoux”

Just as it was 34 years ago, Core’s shared undertaking is to translate the tradition of transformative ideas and books into important discussions and conversations that meet the challenge of our present moment. Core Students continue to read and reflect on the same books that you read when you were in the program. Last year's Giving Day was a great success for Core. We came in second place in the revenue challenge from across CAS. Thank you for your support and thanks to all of you for coming by the office when you are in town--we love to see Core alumni.

Once again, we are so thankful that the first $5,000 raised for Core will be matched dollar-for dollar by Core Alumni Council’s Liz Jones-Dilworth (CAS'02) who has inspired the Core community for many years to match her donation.

In past years, Core’s Alumni Fund has supported our commitment to experiential learning and community by supporting student excursions in Boston, New York, Florence (and in 2025, London!) as well as a first-year book gift from Core Alumni—You!


This year, we are asking you to SPONSOR-A-BOOK for a Core Student. The CAS division that ends the day with the most individual participants will receive bonus funds. When you donate $5 or more, your gift counts towards Core’s challenge. Every gift helps us build up the lending library shelf of Core books to make sure that all students have a book in hand in the classroom.

  • $100 will help us buy a semester of first-year humanities books for the shelf!
  • $54 will buy all the dramas we read in Core (Cherry Orchard, Hamlet, Faust, and more)
  • $17 for The Odyssey (CC101)
  • $10 for The Bhagavad Gita (CC102)
  • Even $5 will contribute toward a book on the Core shelf such as The Analects, Paradise Lost, or Inferno.

    Help us introduce a new generation of Core scholars to our program, and to encourage a life-long habit of reading, reflecting, and building community through books.

    We thank you so much for supporting the CAS Core Curriculum.

  • Thanks To Our Recent Donors!