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Arion Journal

7 Supporters
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Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics has been published at Boston University for more than thirty years. Please help us carry on this BU literary tradition by contributing to the Arion Journal Gift Fund and investing in the future of the Arts and Humanities at BU and beyond.

Gore Vidal wrote of Arion: “I think your instinct to get away from the narrow specialization—the ‘treasure trove of irregular verbs’ sort of thing—and appeal to the uncommon common reader is wise and worthy.” Arion continues to be the most accessible and finely produced journal of classical studies in the world, while featuring the work of such lauded authors as Saul Bellow, Anne Carson, Marcel Detienne, David Ferry, Rachel Hadas, Tony Harrison, Seamus Heaney, Werner Herzog, Daniel Mendelsohn, Martha Nussbaum, and Camille Paglia, along with many BU faculty, staff, and students.

Gifts crucially help us to pay our excellent undergraduate student workers and to maintain one of the most affordable subscription costs in the field.


This year, Boston University celebrates 10 years of Giving Day. That’s 10 years of supporting students, championing our teams, fueling discoveries, inspiring artists, building community, and investing in tomorrow. Support the cause that makes you #ProudtoBU by making your gift on BU Giving Day!

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!